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Histori Ju-jutsu

    The Founder of the school is Master Nikolay Vasilev

    The school has been establish since 1971.
    The foundation techniques are based on the school of Ju-Jitsu. Widely practiced in northern Japan.
    But the big influence came from techniques of hand to hand combat.
    That was taught by former military veterans and members of the special forces.
    Also influence of the development of school was primitive street fighting after the war era.
    And like in many schools there was also influence from western masters like:
    V. Levsky, B. Tegner, W. Jay and others.
    Starting from the foundation the school techniques where tested in Combat and in normal life.
    Currently the school has couple of branches:Sports and major one is Self-Defense.
    And also preparation of Special Operations Units.
    Most of the students are members of military, and government agencies.
    That have practical experience using the techniques.

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